
Sudhir Tiwari

Sudhir was born in Allahabad/Prayag, India. His name was chosen by Swami Kuvalayananda.

He received his first training under the guidance of Swami Digambar ji, a disciple of Swami Kuvalayananda and his father Shri Om Prakash Tiwari.

Brought up at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala, India amidst rich traditional yogic heritage of Swami Madhavdasji Maharaj, Swami Kuvalyanandaji and Swami Digambarji, a tradition kept alive by his father and a well known Pranayama master, Shri O. P. Tiwari.

Swami Digambarji, on his own accord, without any announcements and fanfare initiated Sudhir in 1981 by conducting a Yadnopavit ceremony (Thread Ceremony) and accepted him as a disciple. Sudhir received his primary and advanced Yogic and Ayurvedic training from Swami Digambarji which included the study of traditional texts, mantra yoga, fire ceremony, pranayama and various aspects of adhyatm (spiritual) yoga. Sudhir also learnt pranayama and Hathapradipika from his father.

Sudhir’s calling came in early 2012 when his father expressed his desire for him to become an instrument to further the message of Swami Kuvalyananda and Swami Digambarji’s by spreading in theory and practice the fundamentals of undiluted yoga.

Very willingly Sudhir agreed, so now he travels all around the world conducting workshops in theory and practice of Yoga (Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Chanting) and Ayurveda and with his familiarity of alternative western medicine he also correlates these disciplines. His Mantra, Breathe Positive, Breathe Yoga.

Sudhir’s goal is to present yoga not just as asanas but as an experiential practice encompassing but not limited to Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama and meditational techniques, mantra yoga and techniques of ishwar pranidhana of Patanjali.

He lives in Toronto Canada, with his wife and two children.